Antique Store
Near where I live, there is this little abandoned antique store, and this week I had the opportunity to take some photos inside. I can hardly believe a place like this exists. The building has been abandoned long enough for the roof to be caving in and the walls to be falling over, but it is full of the merchandise that was being sold when it was still open. In a lot of ways it is the opposite challenge of Springs Plant. Instead of overwhelming wide open rooms with industrial equipment, the antique store has small overwhelming rooms, packed full of things.
I am continuing to work on “the how” of finding great photos. So, like Springs Plant, my plan was to look for multiple eye catching things and find a perspective where they interact in interesting ways, and the challenge was formidable. Overall, I think I am pleased with the results and I am looking forward to going back and finding more!
This is from the first set of photos I took of this large glass orb that was once a part of chandelier. I was trying to get the broken picture frame (bottom right) and the orb, and once again completely missed the coolest part when I took it. When I got the photo in Lightroom I saw the orb’s reflection and was legitimately surprised. No matter how many times I remind myself to slow down and look at everything, I still miss stuff when I feel overwhelmed. I am finding it takes me some time to be comfortable enough to slow down when I am in a new or overwhelming environment.
Also of note, the photo is underexposed, which is yet another reminder to slow down and evaluate camera settings.
The final and edited product is pretty awesome though! Gotta say it is one of my favorites.
I think this or its counterpart (the header photo of this blog entry) is my favorite photo of the whole shoot. It was also intentional!!!
The original sad fan photo is also a little bit underexposed but that was intentional and I knew I could get the detail out in post. I put the aperture at f/32 and had a 30 second exposure, with low ISO. In retrospect I could have played with the aperture and ISO a bit more to get a brighter exposure without losing much. That can be an experiment for another day.
Edited sad fan is awesome :)
I thought might take my favorite photo award. However, It was dethroned by sad fan.
I am sneaking this in here! I took some of the feedback from my last blog post, thank you Robert and Cecilia, and played with the door edit some more and I got something I love! The broken glass was what I wanted to highlight in this version while keeping the brick wall in the background.
After posting this, I think I like the light from the un-edited sad fan photo better. Maybe I’ll include another edit of it in my next post.
Other Favorites: